Sunday, March 2, 2008

Part of the Problem?

Last night I attended a benefit concert for the Democratic Republic of Congo at Church of the Savior. During one of the breaks between bands, they showed a short film illustrating the bloodshed and exploitation that is going on in that country. As I watched I was affected by the pictures of suffering and by the gravity of the tremendous amounts of lives lost. My heart was grieved by seeing so vividly the effects of sin. I began to consider the effects of my sin and the seriousness of sin. In one sense, we look at our own culture and are astounded by the corruption and worldliness that we see. And yet, a culture is made up of sinful people like you and me. Is it too hard to believe that our society will be shaped in part by our sinful desires and interactions? We too are part of the problems in this world.

This is a realization that helps me to fight and hate sin more. Sin is pervasive and it is never satisfied, but continues to justify greater evil in pursuit of satisfaction. It's astounding to consider the atrocities sinful human hearts have committed throughout history. And that all these things were born originally in the Fall, a sin of disobedience which can seem so small in comparison. But see how quickly it led to brother murdering brother.

All this made the problem of sin and suffering in the world weigh heavily on my heart. Thankfully, as the concert continued on, Reilly began to play. As I listened I was reminded that we serve a powerful and caring God who has shown his love by sending his Son to die for our sins. In his word, God has promised:

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." - Rev 21:4

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