Friday, February 29, 2008

Your Week In Review

Have you ever had the feeling that you are unprepared as you go through the week? Ever feel that it can be tough to be organized when it seems you have so much on your plate that you don't have time to think about the next thing until it happens? I've definitely felt this way and it doesn't help that my sinful laziness and procrastination can combine with a general lack of organization or the everyday onslaught of responsibilites and obligations. If I've made any progress in this area it's because God humbled me. I knew it was something I was weak in and awhile ago I read a book called "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. It's a popular productivity book among IT types and offers a practical system for organization.

Amongst other helpful advice, there is a part of the system that David Allen recommends called the weekly review. It consists of setting aside a set time every week to manage your organizational system and review what is coming up for the week ahead. I've heard CJ Mahaney state that he does something similar. Not just in terms of organizational systems, but also looking to the week ahead and seeing how he can serve his wife and his family and the church, as well as caring for his own soul. Every week he sets aside a certain time and goes to Starbucks to considers these things. Since he has an idea of the priorities and activities in the week coming up, he can effectively accept or decline other tasks or obligations which may arise. He notes that there will always be more things that we are asked ab out than we can do and if we know our responsibilities and limitations we can decline wisely and graciously without feeling guilty and without failing to meet existing obligations to those around us.

I definitely see the value in this, as God has shown me over the past several years there is a great advantage in being intentional and prepared instead of only letting things happen to me and reacting. So, I have been contemplating starting to do a weekly review. I typically have time before church on Sundays that I use for reading or other things that I feel might be a good time. I think a mix of evaluating the previous week and preparing for the upcoming week could serve me and allow me to be more effective.

So, I'm working on an agenda of sorts for the weekly review. Just some baseline questions to ask myself and areas that I should be considering. Obviously, I need to look at my calendar and consider the events that are upcoming. But more specific questions like "What opportunities do I have to serve others this week?", "How can I be looking to share the gospel with those around me?" or "How can I be seeking to pursue God more this week than last week?" are necessary as well.

What questions do you ask yourself on a regular basis to evaluate your walk with God? Can you think of any questions that would be good to add to my weekly review? What questions might help me to consider important areas of my life and Christian growth that I might otherwise ignore?

Let me know if you have any ideas in the comments and I'll try to post a more finalized list of questions and let you know how the weekly reviews go once I start.

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