Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thoughts on Photography

Recently on the Desiring God blog, Bill Walsh has been posting his way through a list of reasons why he is a photographer. (9 Reasons I'm A Photographer). This is definitely great food for thought and I know that I am prone to overlook the glory and beauty of creation in my day-to-day life. I've recently become more aware of this as I have tried to be out more in the mornings to walk or go for a run.

One of my co-workers is really into photography and as I have talked with him about it and seen some of his shots, I'm definitely interested in seeking to take more pictures. I don't think it will ever be a serious hobby, mainly because I get too distracted and already have too many interests, but after reading these articles I can see a very cool redemptive aspect of photography.

I'm currently saving up for a small point-and-shoot camera to carry around in my backpack. Since it's relatively small, I've also thought it might be cool to take it along if I go on a run and snag some shots if I see anything cool. I'll definitely upload some pics when I get it to spice up the posting here a little bit (and break up the large blocks of text).

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