Friday, June 20, 2008

A Joy to Pastor

Over at CJ Mahaney's blog, they have been posting some snippets from the third episode of the Sovereign Grace Leadership podcast. Today they've got some great thoughts about what it means to help foster joy in the pastor of your local church. Here's a portion of CJ's response:

And it would be wise for everyone listening to ask another question: Am I a joy to pastor?

And don’t confine the evaluation of yourself to yourself. I would encourage everyone listening to approach your pastor and ask, “Am I a joy for you to pastor? And if not, why not? I want to be a joy to pastor. I want to bring you joy in pastoring.”

So I think Scripture is clear: By appreciating the character of their pastor and the labor of their pastor, by encouraging their pastor, by the member’s own participation in the local church, they can be a pure joy to pastor.

God wants happy pastors. Any other kind of pastor does not accurately represent God. Yet happy pastors are, to some degree, dependent on individuals who make it a joy to pastor.
Let's make it a point to pray for and encourage the men who labor in the pastoral ministry of our local church. Let's be a joy to pastor.

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